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Ideas to Nonequilibrium Processes

Application of First-Passage

Sidney Redner ( | Santa Fe Complex Systems Institute.

A fundamental aspect of a random walk is knowing when it reaches a specified threshold position for the first time. This first-passage time, and more generally, the distribution of first passage times underlies many phenomena, such as the statistics of cell division, the triggering of integrate and fire neurons, and the execution of stock options.

The computation of the first-passage time and its distribution is both simple and beautiful, and has profound connections to electrostatic potential theory. I will present some aspects of these fundamentals and then discuss the application of first-passage ideas to diverse phenomena in non-equilibrium physics, including the dynamics of the voter model, the efficiency of stochastic search processes, and the species abundance distribution of the microbiome.

 Difusión | Congreso Nacional de Física (SMF) 

Detección de señales en observatorio LIGO

Daniel Rodríguez Soto

Textos universitarios y libros de divulgación científica  (entrar)

libros de divulgacion para niños

Ciencia para niñ@s

librería divulgacion jose manuel posada

José Manuel Posada