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Ion Implantation in Synthesis of Nanoscale Systems

Floyd D. McDaniel | University of North Texas, Denton Texas, USA

Ion implantation based materials synthesis processes have developed into a robust technique due to advances in developing dynamic models of ion-solid interactions and various thermal annealing processes.

When energetic ion beams are incident on target materials, they deposit their energy while traveling through the materials and finally rest at certain depths, based on their incident energy, angle of incident and density of the target materials.

The ion irradiation followed by in-situ or post-thermal annealing is one of the most attractive and widely used methods for the formation of nanoscale structures or films, predominantly with a particular chemical phase, at the near surface to layers buried deep below the surface.

The atomic re-ordering of the target atoms during the implantation/irradiation process can have significant influence on their structural, electrical, and magnetic properties. In this presentation, a review of the implantation of various ions (at energy <100 keV) into semiconducting crystalline substrates will be discussed.

The effects of the implantation process parameters (e.g. fluence, energy, and annealing temperature) in the formation of nanoscale systems with improvements in the optical, electronic and magnetic properties will be discussed.

Floyd D. McDaniel Publications.

 Difusión | Congreso Nacional de Física 

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