Ultracold fermionic strontium atoms in engineered optical potentials offer the same exquisite control of the internal elecronic states of trapped ions used for quantum computation as well as the fermionic character, single-atom manipulation and imaging of cold atoms in optical lattices. In this talk I will show how this system can be used for the simulation of the electronic estructure of molecules and the progress in realizing this experiment.
Graphene has transformed our understanding of 2D electron systems leading to fundamental discoveries and to the promise of important applications. Eva Y. Andrei – Rutgers University Ver más
Rocío Jáuregui – Instituto de Física, UNAM El efecto Purcell corresponde a la modificación de la tasa de emisión espontánea de un sistema atómico debida Ver más
Caridad Borrás – School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University Radiaciones ionizantes Las radiaciones ionizantes pueden matar o mutar células. Los efectos en Ver más